Contacts and Location
Have a question? If you would like to schedule an appointment, refer a patient or speak to our staff, please call 682-885-1202.
Cook Children's Rheumatology
1500 Cooper St.
Fort Worth, TX 76104
682-885-1202 phone
1500 Cooper St.
Fort Worth
Virtual medicine and telehealth
Specialty care is now as close as your computer, laptop, cell phone or tablet. Cook Children's specialty clinics throughout North Texas are equipped with cameras, microphones, TV monitors and specialized equipment, which means patient families can receive consultations and exams in real time without having to go to the inconvenience or expense of traveling far from home. Telemedicine provides coordinated care and ease of access that patient families in outlying areas otherwise wouldn't have.
Based on the diagnosis, a patient may have to be seen in person for an initial visit. Contact us at 682-885-1202 for information on our telemedicine services.