Renee Tegeler, M.D.

Meet Dr. Tegeler
City: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Preferred medium: Glass
About the artist: Dr. Renee became a quilter and fiber artist in the early years of her medical career, creating a series of healing themed art quilts to adorn her office and exam rooms that became the foundation for Dr. Renee Healing Art. In 2015 she developed a passion for fused glass, which is now her artistic medium of choice. She incorporates her decades of artistic creativity into a unique, innovative approach to kiln-fired glass.
Tell us about how your art was created:
Dr. Renee incorporates pieces of various forms and types of glass into original creations that then undergo multiple kiln firings, and cold working techniques to achieve her innovative designs. She often uses dichroic glass, which transmits one color, and reflects another to highlight certain features.
What inspired you to create art?
Dr. Renee created her art to provide a sense of peace and calm in her medical office, improve communication, and enhance healing and wellbeing for her patients. The emotional and impactful responses to her healing-themed artwork inspired her to create new collections, and to explore in other directions including the brain and neurosciences.
What is your connection to the neurosciences?
While not the focus of her 30 years of medical practice, Dr. Renee was always fascinated by the impact of the brain and mind on every aspect of health and wellbeing in the human body. Her husband, Dr. Charles Tegeler, is Professor, and Chair of the Department of Neurology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and his work inspired many of her pieces.
What do you hope people feel, think or learn from your art?
Dr. Renee hopes that those who view her art will pause, ponder and appreciate the colors, patterns, reflections, textures, and themes of her creations, and experience a moment of heartfelt peace and tranquility.
It is not simply a depiction of the brain, but a work of art that has infused life into the organ that is the seat of our thoughts and emotions. The artistry is such that one cannot help but be mesmerized by the intricate details, the careful use of color and texture, and the fascinating insights into the complexities of the human mind. It elevates the conscience, enriches the soul, and stirs within you a sense of awe and wonder.