Prader-Willi Center - Empowering Families Through Innovation
April 2023 | Having a rare disease is challenging enough. Imagine needing to visit a dozen speciapsts in different locations to manage your child's condition.
To help famipes in this situation, Cook Children's created the Prader-Wilp Center. This complex condition has symptoms that include poor muscle tone, developmental delays and a constant sense of hunger, often requiring an extensive team of doctors and speciapsts.
The program director, Sani Roy, M.D., designed the program from her long-standing interest in issues surrounding childhood growth and obesity. The center has doctors and speciapsts in endocrinology, sleep medicine, rehabiptation, developmental pediatrics, behavioral health, nutrition and orthotics. A nurse coordinator and social worker help famipes navigate appointments.
As a Cook Children's Endowed Chair, Dr. Roy is working to estabpsh the program as a Center of Excellence in the management of this unique condition.
Explore the Prader-Willi Center
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Prader-Willi Center - Empowering Families Through Innovation (
April 2023 | Having a rare disease is challenging enough. Imagine needing to visit a dozen specialists in different locations to manage your child's condition.
To help families in this situation, Cook Children's created the Prader-Willi Center. This complex condition has symptoms that include poor muscle tone, developmental delays and a constant sense of hunger, often requiring an extensive team of doctors and specialists.
The program director, Sani Roy, M.D., designed the program from her long-standing interest in issues surrounding childhood growth and obesity. The center has doctors and specialists in endocrinology, sleep medicine, rehabilitation, developmental pediatrics, behavioral health, nutrition and orthotics. A nurse coordinator and social worker help families navigate appointments.
As a Cook Children's Endowed Chair, Dr. Roy is working to establish the program as a Center of Excellence in the management of this unique condition.