Fentanyl: What You Need to Know
Fentanyl is a powerful pain reliever that is part of the opioid family. Under a doctor's care, this drug is useful for very sick or hurt patients. It's also highly addictive and dangerous, and it can be found in many illegal drugs.
"Medications and illegal drugs laced with fentanyl can be deadly," said Artee Gandhi, M.D., medical director of Pain Management at Cook Children's. "If you take illegal drugs or you get medicine from someone else, you don't know that it's safe."
Talk with your kids about fentanyl
Overdoses have increased 400% in Texas in recent years. Fentanyl is a cause of many of these deaths. Often people take prescription pills that are often sold on the street (such as benzodiazepine or stimulants), but they are tainted with enough fentanyl to kill.
Any child could be at risk, including yours. Fentanyl comes in many forms, shapes and colors. Even the most careful child can be tempted by peer pressure.
"We see many families who thought their kids would never take drugs," said Klaressa Broughton, poison prevention program coordinator at Cook Children's Center for Community Health, "but parents don't know everything their kids are doing. You also can't tell if a pill has
fentanyl by looking at it."
It's important to keep having open and honest conversations with your kids about drug use. Remind them they should never take any medication unless their own doctor prescribed it.
Have Naloxone on hand
Naloxone is a nasal spray that can reverse an overdose. It's easy to use.
An overdose can happen anywhere at any time. Carrying naloxone can save a friend's life, if not your own child's.
It's also very important to note that people who have overdosed still need medical care after using naloxone. ALWAYS CALL 911 IF YOU SUSPECT AN OVERDOSE.
Where to get naloxone
Most pharmacies in Texas now stock the overdose reversal spray naloxone. Many national pharmacy chain locations carry naloxone, as do Cook Children's pharmacies and online pharmacies. Your insurance likely will cover the cost.
You don't need a prescription
If you don't have insurance, Texas Targeted Opioid Response has a website you can uses to get naloxone for free. Visit morenarcanplease.com and sign up to have doses mailed to you.
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